Sunday, May 20, 2012

Jen is Toy

-Fanime is coming, do you have your caffine?

Hi. Man, I'm tired now; I'm going to be EXHAUSTED next weekend. And when Jen gets tired, Jen snaps. Conventions stress me out for a few reasons:
1. My friends tend to wander everywhere and if I lose track of them anywhere in or near the convention, I LOSE THEM FOR HOURS.
2. I usually share a hotel room with four to six other people, many which I don't really know that well, and I don't sleep well in hotels to begin with.
3. I have flat feet which makes walking everywhere a literal pain.
& 4. I can be a people person during the most of any given day (It's kind of necessary to be human), but only if I'm given a bit of time to myself. That barely happens at a small con, and Fanime is huge.
So if you happen to be going to Fanime Con and you see me there, note my position and possible expression and remember: Contact at your own risk.

Signed the girl who wonders why she ever became a convention-goer (Oh, that's right: friends),
PS: Sorry for tossing baggage at you, but in my defense people hardly ever read this blog anyway. This is like therapy for my soul and psyche. *feelsmuchbetternowyouareagreatlistener*

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I read your blog! But you 165 kids hardly post anything! :)

    Fanime isn't my thing but some people I know are going including Colette from the animation class. A bunch of us were at the same location for the Big Wow! convention this week end though. Ana is going too, isn't she?

    Enjoy the con!
