Thursday, September 13, 2012

166 Character sheets (part 1)

Young Kibo (Main Character who everyone relates to and has a troubling  event arise)
Bahari (the role-modal father figure)

Shegra (the young energetic assistant)
Samuel (the mystic with near perfect knowledge)

Shoal (the melancholy motherless one)
Helios (the stoic Fire Master)
Swift (the inexperienced one given big powers)
Aleesa (Water Master without personality)
Shani (the motherly one)
Elizabeth (the grumpy aunt dealt a bad hand)

Asani (the brother we'll surely miss)
Young Bonde (the woobie)

"Whitney" (bg lioness, named after the terrifying gym leader from "Pokemon")
"Helga" (bg lioness, named after obnoxious character from "Hey Arnold" )
"Angelica" (bg lioness, named after the spoiled brat from "Rugrats")
Asani (Villain with a tragic past)

Young Shira (the generic love interest)
 -All of the characters?! Surely you jest!

Hi everyone,

I'm soooooo tired from this weekend of sketching characters! NEVER AGAIN WILL I HAVE A CAST OF 25+ CHARACTERS... NEVER! Okay so this is the part uno group of characters (I'm a writer first, animator second). Not sure if I want to do the second part of this story... more like I don't know when I'll make time to do it! I guess I'll try anyway... expect part 2 right away. I even put them in order for you and added almost TV-tropes to them to define their character (TV-tropes is sooo addicting).

Signed the girl who could really use another vacation holiday,

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