Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Missing USB!

Hi, everyone, I know you're probably on Summer Time and won't see this but... MY- *calms down slightly* my USB Flash Drive that I've been using all last semester is missing. Long story short, I'm an imperfect human being who can be extremely stupid. It has all my animations from both my 2D and 3D animation classes and I'd really like it back. If you're taking a Summer semester at DVC keep an eye out for it please! Maybe I'll be lucky and find it at the lost and found on campus... I just hope that someone didn't decide to keep it and erase all those sentimental files.

Signed the girl who is still stress'n,


  1. It might be worth trip to school to ask. They do hold onto any missing ones for a little bit. If they go unclaimed, they are up for grabs. So don't wait all summer.
